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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Crea un Portafolio Electrónico en Google Sites

Hoy presenté el primer Google Edu Hangout on Air en español. Platiqué sobre la importancia de crear portafolios electrónicos dentro de la enseñanza, además de un pequeño tutorial sobre cómo crear una plantilla en Google Sites. Abajo pueden encontrar el video y la presentación. Me encantó el hecho de que pudimos conectar 3 países latinoamericanos en el Hangout: México, Ecuador y Venezuela. ¡Ojalá que la encuentren útil!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Edu on Air - Visualize Google Sheets

Yesterday I had a great time presenting my fist solo Google Edu on Air Hangout on Visualizing Google Sheets. If you missed it, you can watch the video and presentation below!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thinking Critically About Media

Yesterday, my Master's students did an assignment that turned out to be quite fun. Based on TED Ed's The Key to Media's Hidden Codes lesson, they looked for 2 print ads in Google Images, 2 TV ads in YouTube, and 2 movie title sequences in Art of the Title.

After that, they had to identify and analize the codes they found in the different kinds of media. (click on the codes to see them change color)

Based on their subject and grade level, they wrote a lesson plan to teach their students to be critical media viewers. Here are some examples: (in Spanish)

Information, visual, and media literacies often don't have a specific subject area where they are covered. I believe it is important for educators to find "teachable moments" and help students acquire those crucial skills. In this case, to become critical media thinkers.